Monday, July 15

From The Flea Market with an Embarrassing Moment

I walked into work a few Saturdays ago & This Bag was among the "good stuff" pile.
Belonging to Dr & Mrs Stone who sailed in room B-5 on 25 August 1958. 

The handles have broken off twice already, I'm hoping a leather repair person can help me out without ruining those glorious stickers!

All of these awesome vintage pieces are from the 40's & 50's...unfortunately every piece has an issue.
Repairs to be made, stains to lift & staanks to unstink...So I've been busy lately.

Aside from that, the Brimfield Flea Market was this past week. We were pretty swamped at work so we didn't make it until late in the week, but still managed to take home some "priceless treasures"! 
As I type this I can see all our family members rolling their eyes...hahaha, well, isn't that the best thing about moving out? 

On an entirely awkward yet hilarious note...I posted this pic to Instagram...
& accidentally posted it to my personal facebook page. 
The response was ridiculous. 
From  "WTF!?" to "Is this even real?"

So ridiculous that my own mother asked if we had taken the "handcuffs...and 'other thing'" very awkward
(btw, nothing was taken OR touched from that game by us)

Happy Hunting!


Wildfell Hall Vintage said...

oh I am glad I found your blog too!....I find that game quite hysterical...some lovely finds right there too! adding you to my blog roll right now! x

Acorns from Elms said...

Oh what fun! I've added you to mine too!