Friday, December 13

Life Lately

 Well this week has been a doozy for us on Elm Street!

A week ago in a cozy used bookstore surrounded by cats Mr. Acorns & I made it official! It was a wonderful surprise he planned. From taking the day off from work, to the secretly packed suitcase, to the overnight away to frolic in a winter wonderland, it was perfect.

Work (boring day job work) has been crazy busy. At first it had me anxiously pulling my hair out, worrying about all the things I should be doing for the shop.

But in the end, this warehouse gig is something I can’t quit & there are only so many hours in a day, so when life gives you lemons…

The practical side of me realizes this vintage load has gotten out of control. I have hoarded myself into, not one, but several cozy mountains of decades old clothes. But I hate neglecting all that this vintage loving business encompasses.

So, I’m taking some time off from the blog to start climbing these mountains, but you can still find me on Facebook and Instagram

Wishing all you Lovelies the happiest of holidays! I'll see you in the New Year!


  1. Oh wow you're engaged!! That's a beautiful ring!

    Good luck with everything and you know you can always come to me for inspiration/suggestions ;)

    Vintage pile-I say either hit the market or put things on storage and sell them later, vintage is still precious, it would be a pity to get rid of valuable things or sell too low when rushed. maybe you trim it 1st and just keep the really old/nice stuff.

  2. Congrats my dear!!! And wowee that ring!

    Good luck with the mountain and I'm excited to see what you do in the new year.


  3. Oh what a gorgeous ring, big congratulations to you!! That's so sweet :) Good luck with the mountain and I hope you have the very best of New Years!! Thank you for your visit to my blog, am so happy you like it as I like your's too :) Have a wonderful week :)Kizzy x

  4. Oh dear! Congratulations! It's a wonderful thing,specially in such magical month as December! Wish you loads of happiness!

    And thank you for visiting my blog!




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